Festival2030: Yoga with Kavi

September 25, 10-11 AM Bosman Forest €6 minimum donation Come flow with Kavi outside in nature for a gentle holistic yoga class suitable for all levels, bodies, ages. We will use breath and postures that feel good for you, to open your heart, shoulders and hips and...


The past year has forced us to make many organizational and social changes. This past year has however also made it possible to think in new ways about the spiritual well-being and development of students in Leiden. Many of you have contributed your thoughts and ideas...

Auschwitz Study Visit

Due to the corona virus it was not possible to visit Auschwitz during this study year. In November of the following year, however, we will pay visit to the destruction camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. For four days, from the 19th of November until the 22nd, we will visit...

Living with Loss

Meetings on Loss and Grief for international students If you lost a relative or a friend it is sometimes difficult to deal with feelings of grief and loss, whether it was recent or long ago. It might be helpful to talk with others in order to process these feelings...

De Welzijns 10-daagse is begonnen!

Zorgen voor jezelf en anderen geeft energie! De Welzijns 10-daagse (dinsdag 30 maart t/m donderdag 8 april) staat in het teken van fysiek, spiritueel, mentaal, sociaal en emotioneel welzijn en alles wat bijdraagt aan een goede gezondheid. Claudia Sarti is één van de...

Nieuwe reeks Verlies verwerken

                  Wanneer je een dierbare bent verloren, grijpt dat in op alles van je leven. Het kan goed zijn om dat onder deskundige begeleiding ruimte te geven en in groepsverband stappen te zetten naar het hanteerbaar...