For peace and quiet, a person goes to a monastery. Spent this weekend in a monastery in Oosterhout. Nine people, two days, six tidal shifts, three meals, four meetings, a round of running (lost). Then you can get up so early (six o'clock), it remains a tight schedule. This program seems at least as exciting as an average weekday.
Such a weekend includes an evaluation moment: "Am I rested?" The best thing is to put it to the test when I return home: have I found inner peace? Maybe unnoticed?
When you return home, the TV button: zapping through 18 channels. The speed at which I zap away is a measure of how closely I follow my intuition. The closer to your intuition, the better equipped you are. So here it comes: Reports of football matches: I hold on. Interviews with football coaches - zap. Rude and very agile overtaking behavior across a solid line, commenting on monotonous disapproving police tone - zap. Advertising for… - zap. Another car program: this time just fanatically jubilant about cars that have to be as fast and agile as possible: zap, zap. The next football match has begun. Teams whose quality is disappointing to me. And then it happens: I turn off the TV.
I turn off the TV! Really true. I surprise myself. Look at the remote, smile at my index finger. With pride. There it is, just next to the remote control.
No, it is not lying. He is resting.
Rob van Worth