Around the months of October and November it is customary for our foundation to hand over the board to new people and to continue with a new board. Our board transfer took place last Wednesday evening 29 October. Each new board member had already been trained for this by the former board member whose position is being taken over. The board transfer is partly a meeting and partly a summary of important points that are certainly useful for the new board to know.
As a former board member I can say that it is quite strange to suddenly have to surrender the board, even though I speak on behalf of the entire old board that we do this with confidence and love It is something that will last you a full year kept busy and through which you get to know each other better and better. In addition to working together in a group, which you do not know all equally well at the start of your board year, you will learn an awful lot about your own position that you fulfill within the board. At the beginning of this year I specifically applied for the PR position because of the promotional aspect, in which creating awareness of the foundation is central. A moment of pride was the large turnout with the information evenings for the projects in February. No fewer than 70 registrations were received for the only 46 places we could offer. Promotion via social media, word-of-mouth advertising, posters and flyers turned out to be very effective. Fortunately, because it involves a lot of creative ideas and agreements, and a lot of time, but it was more than worth it.
It now almost looks like a promotional text for the board, even though that was not the immediate intention when I started writing about this change within the foundation; after all, the new board has already been formed. It mainly stems from my reflections on how many experiences this year has brought and what we have achieved together with the board, both inside and outside the foundation. Because despite the sometimes difficult and stressful moments that were there this year, it is an enrichment to selflessly dedicate yourself to something you believe in. The next board will be on the website appear under the heading board. The next blogging member PR of Wij Helpen Daar, Janneke Rietman, will keep you informed of all the highlights about the foundation, which I will be happy to follow; hopefully you too!
Lots of love,
Yolanda Hus
Former member of the PR of the Wij Helpen Daar foundation
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