I am Roos Mank, 21 years old and a psychology student in Leiden. After three years, I have just completed the bachelor of psychology. On to the next step …… but what? I walked around with this question for a long time last year. Do I want to continue with my master's degree straight away? Do I want to travel and come back with the cliché 'I really got to know myself'? Another board year do, but then one that is full-time? Or do I want to gain more work experience before I start my master? With the last idea in mind, I started contacting all kinds of companies.

During my studies I found out that I have three directions very very interesting find: school psychology, positive psychology and social & organizational psychology. The companies I contacted to ask if I could do an internship there related to one or more of these three directions. In this way I came into contact with Dineke Ploeger of Children's coach practice: the Twee Uilen. Dineke coaches children between the ages of 5 and 15 who want a helping hand need. The coaching sessions are about all kinds of help questions: how to deal with giftedness; is my child depressed; what makes my child anxious? Unfortunately, she had to tell me that I could not do an internship with her, because she is a sole proprietorship and it was therefore not feasible for her.

Dineke did elaborate on how she works during the conversation. In her story she described it among others frequently used by her 'TOL model'. This model stands for Total Development Walk. The model was developed by Edith Steijns from treen je Breen. It distinguishes three zones in which you can be:

The comfort zone: In this zone your TOL is in balance. You master a certain type of knowledge or skill so strongly that you no longer have to think about it. It happens automatically. It feels safe, but there is hardly any growth or development.

The development zone: The TOL is in motion in this zone. You have come out of the comfort zone through motivation, because you see the opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills. It feels more exciting than the comfort zone and energizes.

The panic zone: In this zone swingt the TOL or even falls over. Something is asked in this zone that you are not ready for, which can frustrate you. In this zone growth and development can take place, but also panic and stagnation.

The toll is influenced by positive stimuli (resources) and negative influences (stress sources) from your environment. When you are emotionally balanced, you are in the border area between comfort and development zone and you will experience self-confidence. Staying in the comfort zone seems familiar and safe as it avoids the panic zone. In fact, you want to avoid the obstacles of the panic zone in this way, with the consequence that you largely dwell on potential development.

I have often thought about these different zones since this conversation. I received positive responses from internships, volunteer positions and training courses. So many opportunities were coming my way, I wanted to take them! I went an NLP following a training program at Plata Foundation, continued my board work at Wij Helpen Daar (which will be called SAVIE from next year), certainly did not want to disappoint my tutor and guidance children, friends and family see, exercise at least three times a week and Oh yeah... wilde also finish my bachelor study.

During these busy times I realized that I was on the border of development zone and panic zone. The toll had to return to the comfort zone. I slowed down a bit, went back to Leiderdorp (to mom) more often and picked up Yoga at it University Sports Center. Ik realized that got a lot more energy from the things I did when I did a little less activities.

Now it's vacation, and it's time to recharge. I have found internships and will start enthusiastically next year. What will always remain the next challenge: how do I maintain the balance between taking on the challenge and stay true to myself?