Four times a week ONLINE. In times of crisis stress regularly sets in. Meditation can help us to lower that stress. Meditating together helps better than making 'an appointment with yourself'. That is why the Rapenburg 100 student ministry offers online meditation four times a week. Provided twice by Dardan Bastiaanse and the regular meditation group of Rapenburg 100; cared for twice by the pastors of Rapenburg 100: Claudia Sarti and Walther Burgering.
You can connect online after registration via info @ Rapenburg100 Stating your e-mail address, you will receive a zoom link 10 minutes before the start of the meditation session and you will join the group session. This starts with a short introduction; the actual meditation takes about 20-25 minutes. Afterwards there is an opportunity to talk a little longer. No experience required. Welcome!
Monday 09.30 am Claudia Sarti (English spoken)
Wednesday 20.00 p.m. Dardan Bastiaanse (English spoken)
Thursday 09.30am Walther Burgering (Dutch spoken)
Sunday 18.00 p.m. Dardan Bastiaanse (English spoken)

In times of crisis more stress is emerging. Meditation can help us lower the stress. Meditating together stimulates more than 'the appointment with yourself'. That's why Rapenburg 100 has a mediationgroup online. Four times a week we offer meditation-online. Twice given by Dardan Bastiaanse with the regular meditation group of Rapenburg 100; twice given by the universitychaplains Claudia Sarti and Walther Burgering.
Meet each other online and register with your name and email address via, and you'll get a zoom-link 10 minutes before a session starts. A session exists of a short introduction of the members, a meditation of 20-25 minutes. Afterwards there is opportunity to chat. No experience required.
Mostly welcome!
Monday 09.30 am Claudia Sarti (English spoken)
Wednesday 20.00 p.m. Dardan Bastiaanse (English spoken)
Thursday 09.30am Walther Burgering (Dutch spoken)
Sunday 18.00 p.m. Dardan Bastiaanse (English spoken)