Study trip Auschwitz

Remembering Auschwitz, 2-5 February 2024, open to students from Leiden

Auschwitz represents a horrifyingly dark page in the history of humanity. It is important to see what happened there without necessarily getting answers to the many questions Auschwitz raises. You will experience Auschwitz with a group of students and life coaches, and our goal is to ensure a safe space in which we can reflect on our shared experience together.

Auschwitz was a sophisticated but extremely cold and calculated killing machine, a place where people were purposefully and systematically stripped of their humanity on an industrial scale. With crises still ongoing in this world, it demands our careful reflection.

What is our responsibility? And how can we meet it? We might start to think about it in terms of the 'Eleventh Commandment' formulated by R. Kent, chair of the International Auschwitz Committee: 'You should never be a bystander'.

During our Auschwitz remembrance visit this year, we will discuss leadership and responsibility in humanitarian crises. Participants write a reflection on our visit and share it with fellow students.

The study trip takes place from February 2-5, 2024. The participation fee is €250. You might sign up through an online form

 For further information and details, email